“Excellent feedback from agents and casting, and direct impact on my coaching practice with new clients impressed by my professional online image.”
Christopher Gurr
Actor + Coach, New York, NY
“Tony Howell is my digital Superman! The way he saw me was unapologetically successful.”
Monette Magrath
Actor, Minneapolis, MN
“My career has fully refocused to producing and writing... Tony Howell & Co. is best in the business of personal websites.”
Tony Spinosa
Writer & Producer, NYC
“A deep personal sense of completion and wholeness... The new website is helping to open up even more opportunities.”
Jeanne Sakata
Actor & Playwright, LA
“Tony makes improvements I couldn’t even imagine... my websites evolve, reflecting where I am now, not the past.”
Tricia Paoluccio
Actor, New York, NY
“More pride in who I am and the work I do... total raves from many of the composers, producers, actors, and general managers I work with.”
Gabriel Barre
Director, New York, NY
“He’s on top of every business concept… refreshing that my attention should be on being the best singing-pianist I can be, where it belongs.”
Kevin Quill
Actor, Educator, MD & Singing Pianist, Boston, MA
“Working with Tony is one of the smartest decisions I’ve ever made... detail-oriented, focused, fast, smart, funny, creative, genuine...worth every penny.”
Dana Black
Actor & Producer, Traverse City, MI
“So hands on with the entire process, keeping me focused and parsing through my thoughts to get to the gold! 10/10 would recommend!”
Julie Tomaino
Director/Choreographer, Toronto, ON
“Not just a website, but a digital strategy for my life journey… creating that world with Tony is priceless.”
Michael D. Jablonski
Director, Choreographer & Educator, Orlando, FL