How to Create a Marketing Plan for Your Launch or Release
Whether you’re releasing a new website, show, album, book, film, or course… creating “content” takes a long time!
Honor the investments you’ve made creating your product(ion) by putting as much time, energy, money, and strategy into how you market the release, premiere, or launch.
Pre-Release = Create Awareness (4-6 weeks Before)
Share 7+ Teasers
Well before the big date, you’ll want to build awareness about your latest work. Create excitement so people are ready to consume (or buy) your content as soon as it's available.
The art of the tease goes all the way back to the forbidden fruit with Adam and Eve. We always want what we can't (yet) have. It's why we have movie trailers, cast and venue announcements on Broadway, and “sneak peeks” on television.
There's also the "Rule of Seven" from advertising. Research shows a consumer needs to hear a message an average of seven times before it sticks or converts. Those seven impressions don't have to be the exact same teaser or come through only one platform. Get creative, and find several different ways to remind people of the big day!
Behind-the-scenes of your process.
Polls on title / headlines / cover art / set list, etc.
LIVE or recorded video of a reveal: unboxing, venue, etc.
Pre-Release = Create Engagement (4 weeks Before)
Start an Interest List
In addition to growing awareness, it’s best to set yourself up for this launch and future marketing campaigns by growing an email audience. Consider pointing people to a simple web page during your pre-release promotions and encourage them to sign up for updates.
Apple did this by saying “Oprah is coming to Apple TV” on their homepage, with an email opt-in form and a button that said, “Get Updates.”
In business language, these are your leads or prospects. Keep in mind that fewer people will want to “subscribe” or “follow,” so you might try more compelling language such as offering them early V.I.P. access, alerts, notifications, etc. Once they’ve subscribed via email, you can follow with a secondary message such as “For more frequent updates, follow along on X, Y, Z.”
Now you not only have their email, you’ve gained some social media followers and can follow up with these people through both channels!
Pre-Release = Create Conversions (1-2 Weeks Before)
Consider Pre-Sales
At some point, you may wish to offer pre-sales. This can be done directly after getting their email or a few weeks prior to the official date. You can try on language such as “Before it’s available to the public, we want to offer this to you as a V.I.P. for only $____.”
Consider offering some sort of incentive, such as preferred pricing, seating, meet and greet, or another special bonus.
ReleasE Day = Increase Conversions
Option 1 = Drop It
What was revolutionary about the 2013 Beyoncé album was it took the binge factor of a new album and amplified the experience with visual elements (a.k.a. music videos).
Keep in mind that Beyoncé has a huge, engaged fanbase and traditional media to support her work around the world. This is probably not the best choice for you, but I share it to ask:
Can you do things in a way that remixes industry norms?
Is it best to completely surprise everyone with your amazing new creation?
Option 2 = Drip It
The beauty of television (or your recurring web series, podcast, live performance, etc.) is that your content gains momentum as audiences do word-of-mouth marketing for you. Dripped content is about getting people hooked... then continuing the tease consistently.
Can you release this in parts or sections?
Option 3 = Drip/Drop Freemium
Connecting with the ideas above…
Can you offer the ability to purchase one part (for a smaller fee) and/or upgrade to a fuller experience (for a larger fee)?
Working with Mommy Blogger Series, we came up with a combination. You can watch the weekly episodes for free, but you have to "pay" to get the full season. Payment can be your email address, watching ads, or an actual fee.
I call this a freemium. We see it more and more in traditional publishing. Think of the pricing tiers with Hulu and Spotify (with or without commercials) or The New York Times (10 free articles a month).
I honestly think that network television series will go the way of a "Drip/Drop Freemium" where anyone can watch an episodic show for free weekly, but people will soon be able to pay to binge the entire season instantly and without commercials.
Bonus = Launch Party
Do you want to make a splash with a party? The idea is that this celebratory event helps get the word out, too. Like the red carpet of a film or the opening night of a Broadway show, a launch event helps spread the word through traditional PR and social media.
Be sure to have a photographer and invest time in inviting the press and influencers.
Follow Ups = Increase LoNG-TERM Conversions
Promotion > Creation
As an artist, I know you want to just focus on your work—whether this work or your next creation. Still, I'll tell you that you should promote as much as (if not more than) you create.
Think of long-running shows like Chicago, big brands like Facebook, or veteran artists like Jennifer Lopez. Always work to keep things relevant, fresh, and exciting.
See if it’s possible to spin your content, and share it again. Is it going from LIVE to a recorded version… or vice-versa? Is there a prequel, sequel, or a spin-off? Is there a new guest artist joining you?
Limited Availability
Think about The Walt Disney Company.
Is your new creation always going to be available? Is it going back into the vault?
Are their limited seats, prints, signed copies, etc?
Use urgency and scarcity to collect more income, impact, or opportunities.
Ready to update your website and social media?
6 Ways to Promote Your Next Creative Project
The old adage “Build it and they will come” is only part true. After working on the before, during, and after of launches with authors, recording artists, course creators, I wanted to share these “how to” steps with you.