Simplify Your Content Marketing Strategy

There are 10,000 ways you can share content these days. That being said, I’m going to go back to basics, or the traditional digital marketing pathways so that you can increase the reach and lifespan of your work.

The conventional approach to online marketing is:

  1. Host content on your website (or selling platform).

  2. Email subscribers with a link.

  3. Share on social media with a link.

With all of the social networks and surfaces one can share from (including podcasts, press articles, and onstage or in the physical program of LIVE events), it can easily become overwhelming and time-consuming—which is why I believe in systemizing what you can.

Enter the bread metaphor...


Each piece of content is like a loaf of bread.

Perhaps your "loaves of bread" are each episode in your podcast or web series, each upcoming event you're participating in, or each article on your blog.

There's no right or wrong to forms of content. Whether audio, video, text or LIVE event, think of these as different loaves of bread from your bakery.

Play with variety to keep people excited and engaged, yet maintain some consistency to maintain their trust and loyalty.


Consider your website as your bakery.

Once you recognize all the kinds of “bread” you can offer, the first step is hosting that on your website. The big benefit of bringing people to your website (as opposed to consuming your content elsewhere) is that they won't be distracted by anyone else's content.

Traditional online marketing always drives people back to your website to view content. This is sometimes called "inbound marketing" because you're attracting people to your website through magnetic content.


Personally Deliver a Slice via Email.

Your email subscribers should always get first dibs because they’re the most loyal audience, and you’ll also reach a larger percentage of your audience vs. the small percentage you’ll reach on social media.

  • Don't share the whole loaf of bread with your subscriber — just give them a slice. Think of your email as a taste test at the grocery store, or even a fragrance sample at the department store. You're capturing attention and creating interest... then getting them over to your website for more.

  • Don’t write your email to a group. Your subscribers aren’t reading the email together as a group — they’re reading the email alone. Speak to them individually. Treat each subscriber like a VIP in your inner circle or a family member... because they are! When you build this bond with them over time, they’re more willing to take the actions you ask of them later: click here, vote for me, donate today, buy now, etc.

Besides email being a more intimate environment, your email audience is something that you own and control — you’re not subject to changes in an algorithm or terms of service.

Another benefit to bringing them back to your website (or bakery) is they can also see what else you have available! They might be inspired to consume your other content. They might also follow you on NEW social networks, contact you with a job offer, or even directly purchase your products or services! 


Share Stories & Taste Tests on social Media.

Social media is very important and very powerful. Traditionally, you use each social network to get people over to your website to consume the full content. 

  • Facebook needs to take a personal tone. Think of serving a story about the bread... perhaps paired with a photo or video.

  • Twitter gets croutons. Make each tweet a delicious treat.

  • Instagram needs media... obviously. It's up to you whether you go LIVE (making or delivering your bread), post a video (showing us behind-the-scenes), or post a still photo (some #nomnom #foodporn eating the bread).

I know this might sound like a no-brainer, but you want to aim for engagement on each social network... which is why you need to treat them uniquely. All of the social algorithms honor engagement. While "likes" and "comments" offer more reach (or exposure in the competitive newsfeed), aim for shares whenever possible. The biggest power of social media is the speed at which things can spread. Social networks have sharing built in... but make sure your website and email campaigns encourage sharing, too!

Remember how word-of-mouth marketing is the secret to every successful business? Aim to make your bread (or content) so good that people will spread the word for you!

Stay connected with your audience and what resonates with them. Aim to create more of that for them!

Remember they are called social networks, not social markets. You don't want to "sell" 100% of the time, so be sure to keep it social and fun. Build a relationship with your audience so that you can promote periodically. With whatever "bread" you put out on social media, make sure you're sharing real value — even if that’s a smile or sharing information. Remember to think about what’s in it for them. It's much better to give than to ask.


“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
— Pablo Picasso

While the bread metaphor aligns with traditional inbound marketing, don't be afraid to examine the opposites. Perhaps you want to invest solely in Instagram, YouTube, or even email marketing (such as Gilt or Groupon). In these instances, you eradicate the need for multiple platforms! While you may see or feel bigger results by focusing on ONE specific platform, you do run a big risk by putting all of your eggs in one basket.

Hopefully this examination of traditional online marketing has given you some deeper strategy to have people eat up everything you're putting out in the world! Make sure you have really great content... then make it easy for yourself and others to discover and share it.

Tony Howell & Co.

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