“Support, knowledge, ability to personalize and strategize… focus on the individual”
Susan Eichhorn Young
All Things Voice, New York, NY
“My revenue increased 40%… open rates consistently hit 70% and I feel engaged with a warm audience of supporters”
Mara Jill Herman
Artist + CEO, New York, NY
“Combining my creative pursuits with essential business principles... beautiful example of what it means to be a creative light in the world.”
Susan Lynn Bragg
Artist + CEO, Los Angeles, CA
“Deaf friendly A+ ...brought out the best in each of us”
Jo-Ann Dean
Producer, New York, NY
“Love the hybrid model... personalized videos in answer to some of my questions”
Beth Falcone
Composer, New York, NY
“Completely changed the way I market myself... customize the design aesthetic!”
Chloe Schueller
Actor, Los Angeles, CA
“Reached many of my goals... empowered as an artist and entrepreneur”
Patrick Garr
Artist + CEO, Los Angeles, CA
“Healthy balance in your life and an eye on the big picture”
Heather Lee
Artist + CEO, Los Angeles, CA
“Raised my prices and clients are paying without question”
Michele Lynch
Choreographer + Healer, Santa Barbara, CA
“All of Tony’s classes are interrelated... highly recommend anyone to join”
Phoebe Kwong
Artist + CEO, Hong Kong, CN
“Helped me tackle the ‘tech’ issues... major breakthrough was designing a website”
JoBeth Moad
College Consultant, Oklahoma City, OK
“So accessible and tangible... monthly bite sized pieces”
Lunie Jules
Artist + CEO, New York, NY
“Personal strategizing tools... caring and intuitive coach”
Laurel Harris
Artist + CEO, Los Angeles, CA
“Way to hold myself accountable... now have more followers”
Ashlee Espinosa
Artist + Educator, San Diego, CA
“Many more followers... confidence and efficiency moving forward”
Heather Ivy
International Singer, Naples, FL