“Digital purge allowed me to take ownership... the healthiest version of myself”

“It's hard to believe 9 months have gone by since I was first exposed to Email Excellence. I feel compelled to reflect on my progress and express IMMENSE gratitude for the growth that has taken place under your guidance. Since last August, I have deleted Google Voice (wasn’t using the service), deleted a Gmail account I wasn’t using, started using Boomerang and UnrollMe to reduce inbox anxiety, transferred my domains from GoDaddy to Google, experimented with Shift and learned I like toggling between Chrome and Safari for Educator vs. Freelance Artist life. Perhaps the biggest ‘aha’ came from cleaning my Mailchimp contacts. This digital purge allowed me to take ownership of my analytics in a way I never prioritized before. What’s super fascinating is by doing the inactive subscriber outreach (i.e. ‘Hey There! I noticed you haven’t opened this in a while. Do you still want to be here?’), I heard from an old friend who said, ‘Yes, please keep me on your list.’ Nikki and I reconnected and she invited me for a free consultation of Balinese energy work. I really didn't know I needed this but as a result of this simple outreach, I gained so much more than prime real estate on my contacts list. Nikki has helped me so much and I am certain we wouldn’t have reconnected if it wasn’t for the digital cleanup. Tony, you are turning me into the CEO I’ve always wanted to be. Thank you for helping me become the healthiest version of myself personally, spiritually, and professionally. I’m so grateful for you.”

Mara Jill Herman
Artist + CEO, New York, NY

Tony Howell & Co.

Hire the leading branding agency trusted by the world’s best artists & creatives. We’ll provide everything you need to start, grow, and manage a brilliant web presence.


“Benefitting my business and life... a life saver”


“Super organized and clear... really painting a continuous picture of me”