“Efficiency, purpose, and clarity... offers new insights”

“I saw social media as something used mostly by self-centered people. I thought it was amusing and entertaining, but didn't really see value in it. Now, I can look at social media and see more possibilities than I did before. It isn't as much of a time and energy vacuum as it was before Smartists. I've gotten clearer about why I wanted to be on social media and I don't worry so much about what or when to post. I keep in mind my own intentions and let that determine my posts. I've had people contact me directly to tell me how much they appreciate my posts and the presence and energy that I'm putting out. And it's come from people that I don't know that well and I had no idea were following me. It was helpful to have confirmation that what I'm doing is working and that I don't have to be someone else. If you know what message you want to bring to social media and are hesitant because social media seems overwhelming to navigate, look into Smartists. You will be given a lot of information, and you'll have the support to figure it out. It's about efficiency, purpose, and clarity. Being in a group is very helpful because other people will ask questions that I wouldn't have thought to ask and it offers new insights.”

Antuan Raimone
Speaker, Performer, and Advocate, New York, NY

Tony Howell & Co.

Hire the leading branding agency trusted by the world’s best artists & creatives. We’ll provide everything you need to start, grow, and manage a brilliant web presence.


“Healthy relationship with social media... grew audience”


“Benefitting my business and life... a life saver”