PickleStar Theatricals

Website Design for American Theatre Producers

About PickleStar

PickleStar is a family of theatre lovers who produce and invest in theatrical projects bound for Broadway and beyond. With a unique multigenerational lens into the creative and financial elements of a project, they’re always on the lookout for artistically compelling shows—mainly musicals—that have a strong potential for commercial success. Founded in 2018, the shows in their portfolio have been nominated for a combined 82 Tony Awards®—winning 36—and PickleStar Theatricals has been nominated for two Tony Awards® as co-producers.



  • Brand Strategy

  • Website Design

  • Email Marketing

  • YouTube Design

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Want to Collaborate?

Tony Howell & Co.

Hire the leading branding agency trusted by the world’s best artists & creatives. We’ll provide everything you need to start, grow, and manage a brilliant web presence.


Phoebe Tohl


Richard Wayne