People typically think of websites as one-size-only... 


It scares people out of getting started. I want to debunk this myth, as websites come in all sizes and prices!

Compare a domain "website coming soon" parking page to or One costs $12, the others are more likely $1.2 million… or more!

As you read about website sizes and look at the examples, think about what would serve you best. 

The website sizes are:

  • X-Small: Online Business Card

  • Small: Photo + Materials

  • Medium: Current Campaign or Calendar + Materials

  • Large: Full Portfolio or Museum

  • X-Large: Full Museum/Publishing House and Gift Shop

Let's break them down a bit...



Don’t let fear of tech keep you from having something started! Purchase your domain at Google Domains and use something like Carrd or Solo to have a site live!


I start all of my clients and students with a small website. Sometimes called a landing, cover or splash page... I like to call it an “apartment.”

The idea is to have a sexy and temporary home that people can visit you. In reality, this may be all that you need for a little while...



This is when things get a little nebulous... you're not quite large, but not quite small.

Instead of a small website (basically saying "here's who I am") or a large website (sometimes saying "here's who I am and a beautiful portfolio of everything I've ever done"), a medium website is more future focused. 

A medium website is perhaps not as precious. It's confidently saying "you know who I am and here's what's happening for the next few months." This is a relatively new website strategy that I hope will inspire you today!

The best example for this used to be Kanye would open with a NEW video, then a link to buy tickets for all of his upcoming shows, and end with the opportunity to subscribe for email updates. 

Easy website formula:
1) Here’s what’s new!
2) Here’s what’s next...
3) Subscribe for the latest!
— Tony Howell

I like this concept because...

  • it encourages you to update your website every few months.

  • it keeps things "clean" and "not overwhelming."

  • it should help grow your audience (email subscribers and/or social following).

  • it forces you to confidently own the phrase "I am enough"—because you're not trying to prove anything!

Keep in mind people can go to Wikipedia, IMDb, IBDb, BroadwayWorld, YouTube, etcetera to learn more about you! For most personal brands, your impulse will be to grow your followers on social media. Challenge yourself to start growing your audience through email. You can click the previous links to level up in these areas!



I call this building your dream home. This is what my team and I have been focused on creating since 2013.

A large website highlights the past, showcases the present, and positions you for the future. I also call these the "dream home" because it should be the home for your dream. Your website should be a 24/7 channel to help you manifest your goals.

The size difference is really dependent on content: how much is in your portfolio or archives.

I'll refer to Meryl Streep. If she had a website... would she show everything she's ever done and every photo she's ever had taken? Alternatively, would she choose a curated selection of career highlights?

You get to determine whether you have a “poster wall” of projects, or if every project gets its own special room in your home!



When you add e-commerce and continuous content... it ups the ante. Think about Amazon, Wikipedia or The New York Times. These are extra-extra-large examples! Here are some client examples.

Regardless of who you are or where you're at in your career, a website allows you to control your Google results and reputation 24/7 and around the world. Once someone researches you and/or discovers your website, it's about creating results—whether that's an email message, subscription, sale or merely a lasting impression.

I hope you’ll join us for the Winning Website Workshop to help you design your dream home and create 24/7 results!

Tony Howell & Co.

Hire the leading branding agency trusted by the world’s best artists & creatives. We’ll provide everything you need to start, grow, and manage a brilliant web presence.

Antuan Magic Raimone: Hamilton's Hero and Soldier of Love®


6 Quick Ways to Monetize Your Personal Brand & Website