Productivity + Personal Care
Capitalism has infected society. Regardless of where you live, productivity is a hot topic. Whether you’re chasing more time or money, I want to share the steps I take to increase productivity, while also balancing self-care.
1. Make Time for what matters.
The first step is scheduling time for important tasks. This is often called time blocking.
One of the biggest and best changes I've ever made was scheduling my work from 10am to 5pm weekdays. This is batching mixed with self-care. I save my mornings, nights, and weekends for myself and those closest to me.
I certainly can work mornings, nights, and weekends (and often do), but I'm not setting an expectation that I will. I also work to batch or group similar tasks. Batching similar tasks helps your mind know exactly what to do... all Zoom calls, emails, personal errands, etc. happen on certain days or hours. You're not having to react to so much!
In terms of other personal insight, I highly recommend following a consistent gym schedule or workout plan. Built for the Stage is a wonderful way to get a personal workout and nutrition plan. Take a listen to my conversation about wellness with the Founder and CEO, Joe Rosko.
2. Eliminate Distractions.
I don't allow texting from clients. When I start to work, I shut down my email and put my computer on "do not disturb" mode. I even flip my phone over so it's face down. Sometimes, I’ll set a timer or even turn my phone off.
If I’m in a noisy or distracting environment, I'll turn on ambient noise. My favorites are Pandora's Spa Radio or Issa Bagayogo on Spotify.
When there is an important call, such as a podcast conversation or speaking, I’ll dress up and light candles. For me, it's important to feel like a professional while also inviting inspiration. These two ideas come from Elizabeth Gilbert's latest book, Big Magic.
3. Revive + Rejuvenate.
Life is more than a to-do list, so make sure you schedule time for personal care, fun, friends. and family.
I'm experimenting with using my mornings to create. Too often, we start our days consuming—social media, email, news and more.
I seem to be the most creative and productive in the mornings. Lately, I've been starting my day with the Calm meditation app followed by reading the news with coffee.
I’ve also found great joy in using the website to write Morning Pages (a practice from The Artist's Way and Create a Life Worth Living).
Productivity is important, but so is your personal health. You are your business. Don't burn out. Make sure to refuel!