Pie Chart to Life Chart: Create Change with The Wheel of Life
Whenever you’re feeling a little unfulfilled or unbalanced, you can follow this “easy as pie” recipe to figure out what is off. While this is traditionally called “The Wheel of Life” in coaching circles, I prefer to think of it as a pie — making it more fun and memorable.
Ready to see what baking can do? Follow the four steps below and in less than 10 minutes, you’ll garner tangible ways to create more fulfillment in all areas of your life!
1. Determine Your Ingredients
To start, think about the main ingredients of a sweet life. I’ve provided suggestions below, but think of the “sugar, butter, flour” for your own delicious life. These would be your unique values. Aim for about 6-10 that really speak to you.
Physical Health
Mental Health
Financial Health
Spiritual Health
Digital Health
Career / Job Satisfaction
2. Prepare the Pan
This is an imaginary pie, but I want you to draw a circle as if it was a pie pan.
Once you’ve prepared the pan (drawn a circle), slice it into ~6-10 pieces. Label each slice with your main ingredients, or values.
3. Fill in the Present
Once the pan is prepared, fill in each piece with how fulfilled you are right now in that area. Start from the center and work towards the “crust.”
In other words, if you’re completely fulfilled in an area, color the whole piece of the pie in! If it’s an area that’s really lacking right now, make sure that void is visible.
4. Seek Missing Ingredients
To “finish” your pie (which is always a work-in-progress), take a look at the areas that need a little bit more filling.
Think of tangible ways you might bring some more delicious sweetness to those areas. What can you do to take your fulfillment to the edge and into an overflowing abundance?
Financial Health: Pay Off Credit Card
Family: Call Home More
Digital Health: Build New Website
As the Type A person you are, you may have achieved complete fulfillment in certain areas such as “Physical Health” or the “Job Satisfaction” you were lacking a few months ago. In doing so, there are now other areas of your life that need just a bit more filling.
Follow this recipe whenever you need to reconnect. If you start with step one and move all the way through step four, you’ll have tangible ways to create more fulfillment in your sweet life!