6 Ways to Rethink Your Relationship with Social Media


Sick of social media?

Here are three major paradigm shifts for how you perceive social media, followed by three subtle strategy shifts to help you reconnect with more enjoyment and engagement.

3 Major Paradigm Shifts

1. International Networking Parties

You’d show up to the Oscars, an opening night, or a VIP holiday party as a more polished version of yourself. This is why people are more polished and seemingly “perfect” online!

You probably wouldn’t show up to one of these major events with a megaphone and talk about yourself all night long. Don’t do that on social media!

Show up to these global networking parties (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and start by just feeling the vibe. Support the current leaders and the people you know and recognize. Engaging with others online is the equivalent of a smile, wave, nod, or wink at a party. When you’re ready to share something, you step up and raise your voice!

2. New Storytelling Networks

ABC, CBS, and NBC are the major television networks. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are the major social networks. In the digital age, everyone has a global distribution deal!

What kind of programming is your channel airing? Are you a documentary? Reality show? Live performance art? You get to choose what you share… but just like major TV series, you may need to adjust your content to what the market responds to.

What kind of content are you consuming? It’s important you bring consciousness to what you consume, too! If you were to watch Fox News all day, you’d have a very specific view of the world. Always look outside of your curated feed and see what’s going on in other areas. Vet your sources.

3. Digital Legacy

Stop thinking social media is about self-promotion. What if it’s about self-preservation?

When you pass, as we all will, what will you leave behind through your digital legacy? Think of your social media as insight into the human you were and the contributions you made. Leave a trail for the biographers of the future. Memories for future generations.

In the same way, bring more consciousness to the messages that you share digitally. While they seem ephemeral and can often be deleted or edited… in many cases, they do last forever. Bring awareness to each broadcast. Does it represent your highest self? Does it positively impact others?

3 Subtle Strategy Shifts

1. Share Less

While some of my social meida is scheduled, I've turned the frequency down. In all things, online and offline, I believe in quality over quantity.

Imagine if someone called you every day (or even more than once a day) just to say "Hey” with nothing new to share. Now, imagine if you haven’t heard from someone in six days, six weeks, or six months and they call you out of the blue to share exciting news. You’re going to be much more engaged and have a better experience!

It’s okay to share (or post) less on social media. Strictly share things of value. Usually, that’s information or inspiration. You don’t have to be precious about it: a selfie is valuable (we don’t get to see you every day in real life). Sharing things others may see as frivolous can be super valuable — causing something to smile, laugh, or think of something in a new way.

My point is do NOT share stupid $#!t for the sake of staying active. Filter and design your content as much as you do your photos. 

2. Engage More

Like any relationship, you have to give to get. Karma also works on social media — what goes around comes around.

Your online actions truly can create offline results. I know firsthand. Nurture your personal and professional relationships through likes, favorites, comments, shares, etc. Who doesn't like to feel special? 

3. Create Connection

Remember these are social networks, not social markets. Each network gives you the ability to search your existing address book for new connections.

Make sure you're fully connected with your existing network or community. Like the “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” game, you’re lessening your degrees of separation from the VIP industry contacts you’re attempting to create a relationship with. Mutual friends and followers add trust and credibility. Take a moment today to follow new/old friends. The larger you make your tribe, the more followers you may gain.

In addition, think about improving the connection with your existing followers (the quality of your relationship), rather than solely focusing on adding new connections (the quantity of your relationships, or followers). An engaged audience is better than a large group of people who ignore you. Think about the offline equivalent!


Little Action Steps

1. Revisit your networks and do some cleaning.

2. Customize your feed so you’re consciously consuming.

3. Search your address book for existing connections. Expand your network!

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