4 Benefits of my Digital Detox
From 10am Saturday to 10am Sunday, I gave myself a 24-hour digital detox. This meant turning off all screens, putting them out of sight, and finding myself exploring NYC with a few of my current books!
It was a spiritual journey: an expedited Eat, Pray, Love, or a 24-hour Artist's Date (for those familiar with The Artist's Way.)
Below are my takeaways, followed by tips on how to give yourself a quick, refreshing 24-hour digital detox.
1. Increased awareness and joy.
I enjoyed watching my dog eat breakfast! I could hear the birds chirp in the park. Church bells caught my ear and reminded me there are spiritual havens all around the world. I had sex with my brunch, then found joy in exploring the aisles of the grocery store later in the day.
Small pleasures... can't deny it! 😆
2. Decreased anxiety.
On both mornings, I had FOMO (the fear of missing out)—whether anxiety about potentially missing emails, calls, texts, social updates, family or world events. When I allowed myself to relax, or surrender, it was as if a new city opened up. I became a tourist vacationing in my own city. It was glorious.
3. Divine guidance.
When I chose to surrender and follow my intuition (or curiosity) about which paths to take, as well as when/where to pause, I had the most perfect day. This included stumbling upon new sights:
Pranic energy healing inside the Columbia University's quad