4 Benefits of my Digital Detox
From 10am Saturday to 10am Sunday, I gave myself a 24-hour digital detox. This meant turning off all screens, putting them out of sight, and finding myself exploring NYC with a few of my current books!
It was a spiritual journey: an expedited Eat, Pray, Love, or a 24-hour Artist's Date (for those familiar with The Artist's Way.)
Below are my takeaways, followed by tips on how to give yourself a quick, refreshing 24-hour digital detox.
1. Increased awareness and joy.
I enjoyed watching my dog eat breakfast! I could hear the birds chirp in the park. Church bells caught my ear and reminded me there are spiritual havens all around the world. I had sex with my brunch, then found joy in exploring the aisles of the grocery store later in the day.
Small pleasures... can't deny it! 😆
2. Decreased anxiety.
On both mornings, I had FOMO (the fear of missing out)—whether anxiety about potentially missing emails, calls, texts, social updates, family or world events. When I allowed myself to relax, or surrender, it was as if a new city opened up. I became a tourist vacationing in my own city. It was glorious.
3. Divine guidance.
When I chose to surrender and follow my intuition (or curiosity) about which paths to take, as well as when/where to pause, I had the most perfect day. This included stumbling upon new sights:
Pranic energy healing inside the Columbia University's quad
4. Thoughts from the Universe.
“There is more to life than increasing it’s speed.”
“Treat yourself as if you already are what you’d like to become.”
“There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.”
Ready for a Digital Detox?
1. Pick 24 hours that work for you. I'd recommend 10am to 10am.
2. Notify your closest friends, family, and co-workers (if needed).
3. Power down all devices and put them away. Take yourself outside. Notice things.