3 Business Tips for Artists: Building a Brand and Career

Photo: Benaz Shaikhani

As artists, it’s easy to feel powerless; especially at times when you’re not employed.

You’re constantly subject to the buyer’s whims, preferences, and biases—and discrimination is alive and well and living in the White House. 😡

Still, I believe the “American Dream” is now the global dream. You’ve so much power and agency, literally at your fingertips. đŸ“Č

To an extent, the internet has democratized access to global resources, power, and socio-economic mobility. While we aren’t equally gifted or provided the same privileges, I do believe that “Everything is Figureoutable” and

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
— Walt Disney

In my 7-year journey from NYC artist to global CEO, here are a few mind hacks to show up to ANY table feeling good as hell!

Your CAREER = Your Business 

There are five formulas for success in any business.

The first formula (of the five inside my complimentary Business Blueprint) is this:

K.L.T. + W.O.M.

You have to K*LL *T: become Known, Liked (or LOVED!) and Trusted.

K.L.T. is where big brands can kill a budget. They’ll spend millions on fancy Super Bowl ads, Oprah’s celebrity endorsement, or fancy new campaigns.

For example, notice GEICO is a car insurance company—not necessarily a fun business. But their friendly gecko and blue branding help you trust they’ll take care of you in the event of an emergency!

The secret ingredient in that formula is TRUST. But your magical short-cut to gathering that?

đŸ’„ W.O.M! đŸ’„

That’s Word-Of-Mouth, henny! 💋

Someone else singing your praises is worth millions. In my professional opinion, someone else freely recommending you works better than any fancy video, photo, logo, or website you can even create—and that’s a large majority of my income! 👌

I share this to say that if you want to elevate your business (make more money), focus on K.L.T. + W.O.M.

The two ingredients to zoom in on are word-of-mouth and trust. Because if those aren’t working in your favor
you won’t see much business! 😳

YOUR Brand = Name, Identity + Response

I define “brand” for my clients as:

  • Your Name

  • Your Identity

  • Their Response

Identity is a loaded word. You have an internal and external identity. That’s who you are on the inside and who the world (or market) thinks you are from the outside. This is where “type” and “looks” come into play.

We do judge a book by the cover, or purchase wine based on the packaging. Still, the core is what counts. This is where you secure that word-of-mouth and trust. You’ll naturally create fans if your đŸ’© is really good. Okrrr? 😆

I’m confident your work is AMAZING! However, in a crowded marketplace, this is where your design, style, and word choices (even on social media) can really affect your future. They’re your external identity. They’re wrapping the gift you bring to the table: packaging and positioning for the “WOW!” you’re after.

We don’t have 100% control of how other people respond to our work, but we can do our best to create trust and find the right people for our work.

To increase the amount of positive responses you get, don’t focus on their response. Focus on designing your external identity (brand), developing your reputation (W.O.M.), and deepening each relationship (K.L.T.). Make saying “O.M.G. YAAAS!” a no-brainer. 😆

Become C.E.O.

A true C.E.O. is a leader with a vision. They inspire their team to enroll in that vision. They also inspire their audience to enroll with actions.

Becoming a C.E.O. is about acceptance of responsibility. If you wish to create change, you’re going to need to initiate it and lead it. Inspire your team and your audience(s) to join you.

Your agent is on your team, but you’re 100% the BOSS! Lead them. Inspire them. Train them.

If you haven’t noticed me using it ALL of the time, one of my all-time favorite quotes is

“What we do, together and separately, makes a difference”
— BC/EFA + Tony Howell

If you’re enjoying this business training, I’d encourage you to check out our FREE Changemaker Community. If you’re serious about getting your work in front of the people you're meant to serve, you owe it to yourself to check this out.

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